

Terms of Reference for International Experts/Organisations to design a practical handbook on the best practices in P/CVE

Project “Enhancing the capacity of Georgia in preventing violent extremism and radicalization”


Reference: GCSD PCVE – 004


General Background

Georgian Center for Strategy and Development (GCSD) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, supporting Georgia’s national security, effective and democratic governance of the country and its sustainable development. GCSD’s work involves research, monitoring, advocacy and implementation of educational projects. With the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway, GCSD is implementing a four-year multi-tier programme entitled Enhancing the capacity of Georgia in preventing violent extremism and radicalization. 

GCSD designed a programme that will engage a multitude of stakeholders in an effort aimed at gradually increasing Georgia’s capacity to prevent violent extremism and radicalisation. 

Over the course of four years GCSD will work with various actors including the state and civil society organisations; Some of the beneficiaries of the programme include the Permanent Interagency Commission on Elaboration of the National Counterterrorism Strategy, the Parliament of Georgia, non-governmental organisations operating in the regions of Georgia, several universities and other educational institutions as well as the media;

The project will train practitioners from various state institutions, create sustainable institutional knowledge for all relevant institutions directly or otherwise working on preventing violent extremism and radicalisation; The programme will empower civil society organisations to implement their own projects aimed at understanding and diminishing the threat of violent extremism and radicalisation. 

1. Reference persons

   Mr. Giorgi Goguadze - Project Manager


   Ms. Mariam Tokhadze - Project Coordinator  

2. Assignment purpose

GCSD is looking for Expert/Organization to:

Develop a practical handbook on the best practices in P/CVE for Permanent Interagency Commission on Elaboration of the National Counterterrorism Strategy (CNCS).

As per the needs and interests of the CNCS GCSD is proposing the following structure of the guidebook although candidates are welcome to propose changes if/where needed:

  • Political violence, Terrorism, Violent Extremism, Radicalisation – definitions and historic evolution of key concepts – This chapter should discuss the problem of defining these terms and the implications it has for practitioners. It should critically evaluate the working definitions that exist in the Georgian context. It should elaborate on the historic evolution of the phenomena and summarise the literature that explains the drivers of each.
  • Challenges of counterterrorism in a democratic state – This chapter should present a general description of how counter-terrorism policies of democratic states differ from those of authoritarian regimes and the standards that the former are held against. It should discuss challenges including but not limited to human rights protection and integration of various minorities that make up the fabric of a modern society.
  • Institutional frameworks – This chapter should present a case study of institutional arrangements that make the coordination and cooperation between institutions involved in counterterrorism efforts effective and efficient.
  • Prevention of radicalisation – successful strategies – This chapter should highlight the importance of preventive work. It should contain between two and five case studies of existing national strategies (or components thereof) that have widely been recognised as successful. It should clearly explain why these particular strategies are regarded as a positive practice and acknowledge their shortcomings if such exist.
  • Cooperation between the state and the civil society in PCVE – best practices – This chapter should collect and present successful cases of cooperative and collaborative work between state and civil society institutions be it in the area of prevention, information exchange, counterterrorism or rehabilitation.
  • Addressing the issue of returnees – This chapter should present information about successful repatriation programmes and why they are regarded as such. It should also find positive examples of de-radicalisation and rehabilitation programmes for family members. These do not have to be limited to cases of repatriating family members of terrorist fighters but can rather draw on the experience and expertise that exists in other related fields such as DDR programmes. Additionally, this chapter should have a component addressing the issue of de-radicalisation in the penitentiary.
  • Communication – This chapter is to address the issue of violent extremist narratives and how they are employed by extremist/terrorist organisations for recruitment. This component could be followed up by two or more case studies. The chapter should also explore the process and methods of designing and disseminating counter-narratives. A discussion of how extremist/terrorist organisations use modern technology maximise their messaging and reaching new demographics as well as a snapshot of counter measures that exist in the world is also seen as an integral part of this chapter.

Basic qualifications and skills for experts/organizations

  • A postgraduate degree or equivalent with relevant work experience in International relations, Security, Education and/or equivalent/ relevant work experience in aforementioned fields;
  • Demonstrable experience of authoring similar documents/publications;
  • Knowledge and prior experience in working in the field of preventing/countering violent extremism;
  • Strong writing skills in English; 
  • Computer literacy;
  • Essential professional experience 

At least 5 years of professional experience in the field of P/CVE

  • Experience of drafting and delivering subject specific materials;
  • Allocated working days up to 20 working days.

3. Performance indicators

The indicators reflecting the international expert’s/organizations performance are good planning and execution of the assignment, timely presentation of results and outputs, quality of the document to be provided to the project team.

4. Experts/organizations will be selected by the project team based on the resume and the letter of intent where candidates shall be expected to propose their changes and justification for the case studies they plan to explore. The letter of intent should also include a budget estimate and the timeline for the completion of the task. The final document is to be submitted to GCSD no later than 30 March, 2021. There is no specific template for the budget and each applicant could use the convenient format. CVs and cover letters are to be sent to with the following subject line: GCSD PCVE – 004

5. The deadline for receiving applications is 11 January, 2021 18:00 Tbilisi time.

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