
Prevention of proliferation of Advanced Conventional Weapons and Enforcement of Sanctions

Project title: Prevention of proliferation of Advanced Conventional Weapons and Enforcement of Sanctions
Implemented by: GCSD
Donor: U.S. Department of State
Duration: October 2022 – December 2023

The project –  „Prevention of proliferation of Advanced Conventional Weapons and Enforcement of Sanctions” - is implemented by GCSD with the support of the U.S. Department of State and its mission is to raise awareness of the risks related to facilitating Russia’s access to them. The project supports to prevent access to components of ACW for Russia, in the frame of sanctions imposed on the country.

The project involves working with various private and public sector representatives, namely financial institutions, ministries, business associations, National Bank, State Security Service, National Security Council, Logistical companies, higher educational institutions, media and civil society organizations.

Activities envisaged by the project include - development of a financial and operational compliance manual, conducting training sessions for the public and private sectors, preparing a policy document on the risks of ACW proliferation and holding regional conferences.

In the process of implementing the activities envisaged by the project, together with the GCSD, a team of local and international experts will be involved.